Tag Archives: fuchsia

Hot lips: CoverGirl Lip Perfection

15 Jun

I know it’s getting a bit redundant, but I learnt about a lipstick that has changed my life from Janine over on BeautyGeeks. Because she’s pretty much my number one source for the low-down on beauty products.

When I saw the July cover of Flare Magazine, I knew I had to have a new fuchsia lipstick.

Then the universe heard me and Janine tweeted about two drugstore lipsticks that rivalled the much blogged about Joe Fresh Beauty Matte Lipstick in Fuchsia.

Low and behold one of them, CoverGirl Lip Perfection in Spellbound.

Peeps. This stuff does. not. come. off.

Coffee, water bottle, apple slices, brownie, yogurt. It can withstand it all. You will very rarely be left with old lady lipstick remnants on your lips. I know you know what I’m taking about.

In unrelated news. I only have two poses in photos. Silly. And sillier. I need help. With that.